Corning Museum of Glass in Photos

Epic photos of the amazing sculptures at CMoG

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The Corning Museum of Glass is really an incredible place to photograph! There are so many amazing sculptures.

I’m not going to share quite ALL of the photos I took, but I am going to post A LOT! They’ll be organized into different sections, based on which gallery of the museum they are in.

  • If you’re interested in visiting Corning Museum of Glass, check out this article.

Contemporary Glass Gallery

(You can click on each picture to see it larger)

“Cephaloproteus Riverhead” —This piece “envisions the world as a complicated an interconnected system, which can easily be thrown off balance.”


This giant ream of rope is made out of thousands of little glass beads!

Innovation Galleries

This is where you will find a lot of interactive exhibits, and most of the best selfie spots.

“Selfie Spots” at Corning Museum of Glass

These selfie spots are all in (or on the way into) the Innovation Galleries.


These selfie spots are in the Contemporary Galleries.

Can you spot us in the lamp?


In the Innovation Galleries. Toootally not freaky to be standing out on this glass floor above the cafeteria.


In the Innovation Galleries.

35 Centuries of Glass

The medal from the Winter Olympics is super important, because it’s from the year I was born!


“Hamilton” anyone?

Great! Now the song’s stuck in my head again…


Ben W. Heineman Sr. Contemporary Galleries

Frederick Carder Gallery

(adjacent to Make Your Own Glass studio)

I wanted to watch “Cinderella” before we went, because clearly “Cinderella” is a movie that has to do with glass… I was thinking because the glass pumpkins we were going to make looked like the pumpkin carriage. And then I saw the glass slipper in the gallery, and I was super ecstatic because… “Cinderella.”

Make Your Own Glass

Our pumpkins we “made” at the Make Your Own Glass experience.

The Lobby

And that’s it!

Again, if you want to visit Corning Museum of Glass, read all about it here!

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