About Me:


I’m the goofy(est) looking one, and also the taller one. The shorter one is my older sister (who used to be taller).

Hi! I’m Julia.

I have a list of the coolest things people have ever said to me.

Because I like lists.

(And I like remembering the cool things people say to me).

One of the entries on the list is from when a coworker from another branch came to our office. At one point during the day she came up to me very frazzled and asked if we were in the eastern time zone.

I laughed (good naturedly of course!) and said yes. She said I seemed like the least likely person to judge her for such a question.

Suddenly I felt bad for laughing (good naturedly!). And I felt proud that she thought I was the least likely to judge her. And she’s right!

I am full of ridiculous questions.

Like how far is the walk from the Corning Museum of Glass parking lot to the actual museum (they make it sound so far!)? Or how do I know if I’m getting on the underground subway, or the overground train in London (it sounds obvious, but is it….)?

And the worst is when you go to a new restaurant! Do you seat yourself, or wait to be seated? Do you pay at the counter, or wait for the server? Or, do you seat yourself, and then go up to the counter to order your food and pay, and then have them bring it out to you??? Why can’t we all just agree on one method, so trying new restaurants doesn’t have to be the stress-inducing saga that it is?


This is me. Just me. Also, to make things easier, I’m wearing the same shirt as I am in the first picture. I probably planned that…

With my aficionado for lists and my social unawareness comes an obsessive need to plan everything out IN DETAIL ahead of time. Thus I have the next ten years of vacations planned out (more or less).

And I’ve spent enough time overly researching places I haven’t been to yet to know that I have A LOT of questions. And for some, it’s really hard to find the answers.

A lot of travel bloggers post these amazing pictures (like, from the mountain that they climbed at 4 am to watch the sun rise), but they tend to lack the specific details I need of HOW EXACTLY DID YOU GET THERE???

I’m talking like a step by step guide (preferably with pictures).

Finally, I decided that if no one else was going to answer my questions, I would.

So at the optimistic start of 2020, just before our big trip to the UK (that ended up being in 2022!), I started putting the answers to ALL my travel questions into a blog.

I love sharing the answers I find, to help make your travel planning a little easier. And if there are any questions you don’t find answered here, feel free to send it to me in an email. I promise I will only laugh good-naturedly.

I’m not a full-time traveler with an accidental success story. I’m just a girl with a lot of questions hoping to share some answers.

You’re also going to see this guy on here. Because we got married in 2018, so that makes him a permanent travel buddy. Also, his name is Jason.

Fun Facts about Julia:

(AKA: really important things to know!)

  • Favorite foods:

    • Cold pizza (preferably with black olives and garlic butter)

    • Quesadillas

    • Donuts!

  • Favorite animal: Penguins!

  • Favorite Disney princesses:

    • Belle (because she’s smart and reads a lot)

    • Rapunzel (because she’s adorably naive)

    • Anna (because she’s… Anna)

  • Favorite pastimes:

    • Sitting in the sun reading books

    • Baking (and eating) cookies

    • Hanging out in coffee shops (drinking not-coffee) and writing stories on my laptop like a hipster

    • Binge watching Gilmore Girls while eating food from my Gilmore Girls cookbook (and drinking from my Luke’s mug)

    • Planning vacations

This Disney pin is basically my spirit animal. A penguin at Disney World taking pictures.

This Disney pin is basically my spirit animal. A penguin at Disney World taking pictures.

  • Also, I have an unusually high tolerance for sugar (note the cotton candy burrito).

  • I LOVE Lord of the Rings.

    • (And I love reading/watching stories about places before I visit, thus I always include nerdy checklists in my articles. *cough* nerd!)

  • I have been to Disney World too many times (but can you really go too often?). But that also means I know all the best free (and cheap) things to do at Disney!

  • I have a bachelor’s degree in photography and worked full-time as a photo retoucher for 7 1/2 years, before I left to work in the hotel industry part time and travel blog part time.

  • I am married to Jason. Who is a really great travel buddy because he lets me obsessively plan every detail for YEARS (and even longer, when Corona ruins your travel plans).

If you appreciate my blog, feel free to leave a tip, or “buy me a coffee.” Your donations help keep small blogs in business so we can create free travel content for you!

Want to know more?

This is me (totally not being a dork) dressed like a Hobbit in Hobbiton (and also wearing the Ring of Power!).

If you still want to know more about me (I don’t blame you, I’m pretty averagely fascinating), want to talk travel plans, have questions, suggestions, ideas, or just any general form of communication, feel free to email me from my “Contact” page (because this is a fancy website, and has a contact page).

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  • It might go to your promotional folder, so be sure to look for it!

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